Import of the fertilizer
What are the procedures and requirements for the application of Regulation EC 764/2008 regarding mutual recognition within the European Community, specifically in relation to the marketing of fertilizer products manufactured by an Italian company that are compliant with national legislation in Italy and Hungary, but not compliant with Regulation EC 2003/3003? Is it possible to proceed with the sale directly under mutual recognition, or are there any pre-authorization procedures that need to be followed? Additionally, could you provide information on the competent authorities in your member state and any other relevant details that would assist in this matter?
In response to your inquiry, please find below the reply of the Central Control and Testing Institute in Agriculture (in Slovak Ústredný kontrolný a skúšobný ústav poľnohospodársky or ÚKSUP).
Fertilizers registered/certified in another EU Member State are recognized in the Slovak Republic on the basis of the completed application available at, the attached Decision on registration in another Member State, and the label that must be in the Slovak language. The fee for the procedure is 35 euros per product.
For more information, please, address the Central Control and Testing Institute in Agriculture.