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  3. Import of food supplements
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Import of food supplements


I represent a skincare brand and have some questions regarding regulations for placing a food supplement on the European market. I hope you can provide assistance in this matter.
I understand that there are different notification processes for marketing food supplements in different countries. However, I would like to know if the single market principles apply to food supplements as well. Specifically, if we notify the relevant authority in the Netherlands and start selling the product from the Netherlands to customers in Slovakia through e-commerce, would we still need to notify the Slovakian authorities?
Additionally, I’m curious about the language requirements for packaging. Would we still be required to have Slovakian language information on the packaging? Could the information provided on our website and a leaflet accompanying the product be considered sufficient? And if Slovakian language is necessary, would it be acceptable to have the information in English and Dutch instead?


According to Slovak regulation, all products/ food supplements, even if they are going to be sold via Internet, must be notified before placing on market – it means you have to notify each product
/ /.
Information/ leaflet must be in Slovak language.
I would advise you to look up the regulation: